Wednesday, 27 April 2022


This week GCH Library would like to highlight the brilliant book-themed work done by our Year 9 Art classes!

Taking inspiration from artist Tom Philipps, Year 9 have each created three of their own original pieces of work.

Known as 'Humaments', these artworks all feature the reworking of old book pages in order to find the student's own story within the pages of the text.

Philipps first began to explore this technique in 1966 when the artist challenged himself to find a second-hand book for a threepence and adapt every page in the book to create a completely new one altogether. 

Philipps completed his initial project in 1973 and has been developing and revising it ever since.

Thank you to the Art Department for sharing these with us and to the Y9 students who told the Library team all about their exciting projects!

Year 9's work can now be found on display in the LCA at St Andrew's Library.

1 comment:

  1. These are so beautiful and clever!
    I am going to have to try it myself...
