Friday, 25 May 2012

Desert Island Reads - Mary Hooper

If you knew you were to be stranded on a desert island and you could take 5 books (not including the Works of Shakespeare and the religious text of your choice), 1 CD and 1 luxury item, what would you take? This is the question we ask in our new column, based on Radio 4's Desert Island Disks. Each week a member of staff, a student or a person of interest will put forward their choices.

Friday 25th of May 

Mary Hooper, author of the exceptionally popular Megan trilogy, At the Sign of the Sugared Plum and Velvet has given us her selections.
1. The London Encyclopaedia edited by Ben Weinreb and Christopher Hibbert - A huge and fabulous  volume detailing every last piece of London, past and present. With this I can start planning the books I’ll write as soon as I get off the island.
2. Pepys DiaryI’ll have time to read the unabridged version.
3. Lost London by Philip Daviesmoving and evocative photographs of London taken from 1870 onwards.
4. The Quincunx – Charles Palliser it’s an epic book, fascinating and detailed, but oh-so-difficult to work out what’s going on. On the island I shall put sticks in the sand and work out everyone’s relationship to everyone else.
5. Just William - Richmal Crompton - after all the heavy stuff above I shall be glad of a little light relief, and William always makes me laugh.
My CD: I shall go for one of the musicals: South Pacific, say, learn all the songs and sing them around the island.
My luxury:  I’ll need a top-class moisturiser.
Mary Hooper's website is:  
Her books are available in the school library.
If you would like your choices to be posted in this column you can email them to me at

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