Monday, 25 June 2012

Desert Island Reads - Catherine Macphail

If you knew you were to be stranded on a desert island and you could take 5 books (not including the Works of Shakespeare and the religious text of your choice), 1 CD and 1 luxury item, what would you take? This is the question we ask in our new column, based on Radio 4's Desert Island Discs. Each week a member of staff, a student or a person of interest will put forward their choices.
Monday 25th of June 
Catherine Macphail, popular author of Another MeRoxy's Baby and Worse Than Boys has given us her choices. If you have any questions about Catherine's books you can contact her via her website:, she promises to always answer back.
Had a really hard think about this, so hard. So many books! But here goes:
1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Couldn't do without my Mr. Darcy
2. Salem's Lot by Stephen King -  because I love vampires
3. A biography of Houdini - He's one of my heroes and he could escape from anything, so it would maybe help me to escape from the island. If it was big enough I could use it as a boat!
4. Pears Encyclopedia - I still have the one I got for my 10th birthday, still read it. It has history, all the Greek myths and legends, a general knowledge section, a cookery section, a geography section. you name it!
5. The Complete Works of Agatha Christie in one volume - I love murder mysteries. Is that cheating? If not I'll take And Then There was One.
The CD I would choose, Queen's Greatest Hits.
And the luxury? Pencils and paper.
We have all of Catherine's books in the library.
If you would like your choices to be posted in this column you can email them to me at

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