Thursday, 15 May 2014

Being a Pupil Librarian

Today's post is written by another of our pupil librarians, Alice, who has written about 

I am a pupil librarian, and I have no idea how to go about writing about this job. I suppose I could start by describing it, but when one is in a library full of books that are full of words, you learn that using the right ones is very important.
I suppose a good thing to start with would be about books, but it is my philosophy that it is far better to be reading an actual book than any kind of most-likely-less-interesting blog post about what it’s like to work in a library. So if you have something good to read, I implore you to start reading that instead.

Working in the library is… wonderful. Fantastic. Enriching. Interesting. It provides so many opportunities and chances to gain experience, and I couldn’t think of any better activity to fill a mind numbingly dull lunchtime. Being a pupil librarian teaches you both how to organise and how to be organised, and you get to understand how the system works, learn your way around the library, recommend books, and sometimes even meet with authors. Some may consider things like putting away books boring, but some of my favourite books are things that I have found while putting away, and I don’t find it dull at all to see what my peers have been reading. If you have a keen interest in books and would like valuable experience for working life, this is the job for you.

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